Junko Araki, MA
Sprouting Seed Counseling | 202.599.7791 | info@sproutingseedcounseling.com
Silver Spring, Maryland United States of America
Free / Subsidized Services for Dancers: No
Telemedicine Appointments Available: Yes
Creative Arts Therapist, Dance Movement Therapist, Psychotherapist
Have you ever felt that your mind and body are not in sync? Have you felt something weird internally but you didn't know how to describe it? Body movement is our native language and a primal way of learning, processing, and communicating. While dealing with a busy life, we may forget to listen to our bodies which store and carry our memories and may develop various struggles. I will help you explore unprocessed feelings and experiences kept in the body and find the mind-body cohesion.
While dancers are often expected to develop physical and psychological strength to meet the high demands in the field as well as expectations of self and others, their trainings and creative process can trigger their raw and vulnerable selves. Because psychology and physiology are inseparable, emotional and mental challenges could impact their performances. I am passionate about helping dancers to process their struggles, utilize internal resources, and facilitate personal growth to achieve their goals.
Silver Spring, Maryland United States of America
Free / Subsidized Services for Dancers: No
Telemedicine Appointments Available: Yes